How to Repair Cracks in Foundation

Crack in wall of home with pastoral painting on left and dining room on right

A crack in your foundation will stop you in your tracks the second you notice it. It’s not something any homeowner wants to see, but you can’t ignore it. Cracks can lead to a whole slew of problems, including serious structural damage—especially if they’re letting water in. 

Total Home Performance is the go-to foundation crack repair company in Maryland and Delaware. We don’t just fix foundation cracks. We root out the underlying issue, repair the crack, and address any issues it’s already caused, like water intrusion, leaving you with a fully repaired foundation instead of a temporary fix. 

Today, we’re sharing the most effective foundation repair solutions we recommend to our clients. 

The Best Foundation Crack Repair Methods 

When you start searching for concrete crack repair help, you’ll probably see a lot of recommendations for caulk and epoxy injections. But a crack injection alone is not a lasting solution. It might fill the crack, but it will leave the underlying cause to fester. We fix foundation cracks by first stabilizing the foundation, which is the real problem, and then fixing the crack, which is just a symptom. 

Helical Pier Installation

Helical pier installation is one of the most effective methods for stabilizing a home’s foundation. We screw helical piers deep into the ground beneath your house and secure them to your foundation, providing unshakable support. The result is a strong, stable foundation that will not shift or settle. 

Repair on External Wall 

After the foundation has been stabilized, we turn our attention to the crack itself. Even though the crack is not the main concern, it will allow pests and moisture into your house, so it must be filled. To fully seal the crack, we excavate outside where the crack is located and repair it on the external wall. Repairing externally will provide greater protection than repairing internally, however, it is not always possible. If there are extenuating circumstances that prevent us from accessing the crack externally, we will repair it from the inside. 

Damage Control After Fixing Foundation Cracks 

Foundation cracks are a menace because they are both a symptom of a larger problem and the cause of many additional problems. Cracks leave your home vulnerable to moisture intrusion, which can cause all kinds of damage like wood rot and mold. Fixing the crack is the first step toward solving these problems because it stops water from getting into your house. But you also have to fix any damage the water has caused. A lot of foundation crack repair companies skip this step, leaving you with rot and mold eating away at your house. Total Home Performance is different. We do not stop until all the damage has been uncovered and repaired so you can feel safe and comfortable in your home. Taking the extra steps to fully address foundation cracks saves you money in the long run by strengthening your home and preventing future damage. 

Foundation Crack Repair in Maryland and Delaware 

A crack in your foundation is not something you want to mess around with. Your foundation is one of the most important parts of your home and significantly affects its structural stability. If you see cracks in your foundation, call Total Home Performance. We’ve fixed thousands of homes and can solve any foundation problem you’re dealing with.  

Get expert foundation crack repair. Call 410-822-1390 or contact us for a quote.

Cracked foundation?

Fix it fast with Total Home Performance! 

